PDR EP03 – Bodies As Infrastructures
Critical Spatial Practice, Sessione di ascolto,
Post Disaster Rooftops is a critical spatial practice staged on the rooftops of Taranto, an industrial city in Southern Italy which is undergoing a long-term ecological and economic crisis. The project understands the city as a manifesto of the western contradictions, whose condition is a starting point for an intersectional and collective investigation on urgent contemporary issues.
EP03’s curatorial framework investigates the roles of bodies in relation to (spatial, economic, productive) infrastructures. On the one hand infrastructures turn bodies into functional prostheses in the service of capital reproduction. On the other hand, the infrastructures of sociality produced by bodies adapt, replace, oppose and react to productive ones. Infrastructures connect, liberate, include, as much as they exclude, oppress, extract. Their effects are multiple, paradoxical and conflicting. What if we understand the infrastructure as a philosophical and metaphorical concept for networks of social and collective solidarity?
Artistic direction
Post Disaster
Set Design
Post Disaster
Post Disaster, studioconcreto
Musarc Choir, Mara Oscar Cassiani, Invernomuto, Gianni D’Urso, Juan Sandoval,Canti Magnetici