Spaziale. Everyone belongs to everyone else
Venice Biennale,
The installation in the pavilion is an assemblage of mixed media elements reenacting the 3 days of interdisciplinary actions that took place on rooftops of Taranto during Rooftops EP04. Layered over a series of spatial elements – the physical products of the local performative actions, such as the tarp and the seats designed for the assembly – are traces of the sounds of the conversations between participants and inhabitants, the sounds of the urban infrastructure and the movements of the bodies that inhabit it. The goal is to convey a process in which the context and the work mutually influence and inform one another.
Padiglione Italia 18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura La Biennale di Venezia.
Artistic direction
Post Disaster
Fosbury Architecture
Set Design
Post Disaster
Margherita Kay Budillon, Beatrice Pelagatti, Silvia Convertini
Graphic Design
Michele Galluzzo
Delfino Sisto Legnani
Alterazioni Video